
Showing posts from January, 2019


Buenos días, les recuerdo la importancia de asistir a clase ya que las evaluaciones son realizadas con las láminas realizadas en aula. para este corte están pautados tres trabajos, de los cuales ya han realizado 1. Les recuerdo la importancia de traer todo el material al aula de clase. Este incumplimiento les afecta para la evaluación de sus rasgos. Saludos, SOL


Hello students, I would like you to watch this video which is a summary class of Plate Tectonics. You have to write a summary of 15 lines, and bring it to class next week.  This is a great way to study for your quiz on Dynamic Earth. Have a good afternoon!! Teacher Mila

GHC Plan de evaluación.

Plan de evaluación GHC. I corte II lapso. Cuestionario 10% 2pts.                               21 al 25/1/19 Trabajo escrito 15% 3 pts.                          28/1 al 1/2/19 Prueba mensual 20% 4 pts.                        4 al 8/2/19 Apreciación 5% 1pt.                                   7/1 al 15/2/19 Total:  50% 10 puntos. II corte II lapso. Taller escrito: 5% 1 pt.                               25/2 al 1/3/19 Exposiciones 10% 2pts.                             4 al 15/3/19 Mapa mnetal 10% 2pts.      ...


Hello everyone!! This is a note to remind you activities done in class so far and about the ones to come: GRAMMAR * UNIT 19: USAGE GLOSSARY In class, we reviewed the entries suggested in the book to  avoid grammatical  errors when choosing between two words that are often confused. Exercises done in class: Ex.1 page 651 / ex.2 p.653 / ex.3 p.655 / ex.4 p.658 / exs. 5 and 6 p.660 and ex. 7 p.661. COMPOSITION * TOPIC: TEENS AND SEX In class, we have discussed how related these two topics are connected, besides videos and songs were watched to generate discussions and ideas to develop an argument-ed opinion. The objective of this week classwork was to develop an essay supporting or contradicting one of the following quotes about PROSTITUTION. Your text should have an introduction stating your opinion on the topic, a body in which you explain what prostitution is for you and how you support or contradict the quote you chose, and a concluding paragraph reaffirmin...

Plan de Evaluación Educación Física

Plan de Evaluacion  Primer Corte Contenido                                                                      % Rasgos                                                                             5 Acondicionamiento N.M                                                10 Capacidad Aeróbica                                                        10 C...


Hello dear students, Back to school again!!! As you may know we have new schedule, so make sure to take note of that. The QUIZ WEEK will be Feb. 11th to 14th (Thursday) 3A   Monday, Feb. 11th 3B   Thursday, Feb. 14th 3C   Wednesday, Feb. 13th Topics: Dynamic Earth. Have a super week!!! Teacher Mila

Speech 2nd Term Evaluation Plan

1st Cut Speaking To Persuade 20% Persuasive Dialogue 20% Teacher Appraisal 5% English Skills 5% 2nd Cut  Group Discussions 20% Interpersonal Communication 20% Teachers Appraisal 5% English Skills 5%

Reading 2nd Term Evaluation Plan

1st Cut Unit 5 20% Unit 6 20% Teacher Appraisal 5% English Skills 5% 2nd Cut  Unit 7 20% Unit 8 20% Teacher Appraisal 5% English Skills 5%

Consumer Math 2nd Term Evaluation Plan

1st Cut Classwork 40% Teacher Appraisal 5% English Skills 5% 2nd Cut Classwork 20% Test 20% Teacher Appraisal 5% English Skills 5%

Plan de evaluación. Física


Materiales para las Prácticas

Hola muchachos para la práctica uno deben traer una planta acuáticas o una alga, pueden conseguirla en tiendas de animales.  Además deben traer un poco de sal, papelón, azúcar. Deben preparar una cebolla, colocarla en un envase con agua. Permitiendo se moje la zona donde están las raíces. Deben traer una cebolla con raíces. Saludos


Hello dear students, This is the Evaluation Plan for this 2nd Term, 1st Half. CLASSWORK:  10% HOMEWORK:   5% QUIZ:   15% SPECIAL PROJECT:  15% TEACHER'S APPRAISAL:   5% (The Special Project will be assigned the first week of Feb.) Have a great evening. Teacher Mila

Calendar 2nd term

Welcome back! I am posting a calendar in order to help you organize your information.  You can use it for Spanish and English subjects. Have a great Term! Maria Alicia and Alexandra


Feliz año 2019!! Bienvenidos al comienzo del segundo lapso. Espero que después de estas vacaciones, vuelvan con entusiasmo al aula de clase. Les recuerdo la importancia de traer a clase todos los materiales pedidos en la lista escolar. Los lápices solicitados, escuadras, borrador, etc. No se va a permitir buscar material en otras aulas y esto va a repercutir en la evaluación de rasgos. PLAN DE EVALUACION Lámina N° 4        Acotamiento                                  15% Lámina N° 5        Area de figuras geométricas          15% Lámina N° 6       Elaboración de planos con                             elementos arquitectónicos              15% Rasgos              ...


Happy New Year 2019!! Welcome back, dear students!!! May the Lord bless you and your family in this new year. I hope you have rested during this Holiday and have returned to work enthusiastically and actively. Here you have II TERM I HALF Evaluation Plans. Don´t forget to be responsible with your activities and catch up any in case you miss any class. GRAMMAR-COMPOSITION EVALUATION PLAN CLASSWORK COMPOSITION 25% CRITICAL THINKING: DRUGS    5% QUOTES ON PROSTITUTION       5%   TEENS AND LOVE                         5% MOVIE REVIEW                            10% GRAMMAR 15% GLOSSARY  EXERCISE #1                  5% GLOSSARY EXERCISE #2                   5% CAPITALIZATION EXERCISE #3  #4...